Tuesday, February 26, 2013

22 weeks

My next appointment at week 26 will be the last monthly one! After that, it's every two weeks! I will also do my glucose test next time. Feeling pretty good except for round ligament pain and I've noticed my nose is swollen!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

21 weeks

Yesterday marked 21 weeks...I guess you could call it the downward slope towards my due date! Went to a Cincy SSU alumni gathering last night and it was fun. Good to get out and see people. Turns out a girl who showed up actually lives in our neighborhood, so that was cool! Also got to see good friend John and his wife--she is due just a few weeks after me :-)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Ultrasound! It's a boy!

We were lucky enough to find out yesterday that Baby Reed is a boy! I don't want to share the sonogram photos online, but I do want to say it was one of the more poignant moments of my life! Since we never had an early sonogram, this was the first time we got to see our baby and it was simply amazing. I had been studying and reading up on how to tell sex from an US and as soon as she got the clear shot I knew we were looking at a BOY! I cried a little and Neil said "You're not messing with us, right?" Mostly I was just amazed at the images. At one point the tech was making some adjustments and hovered straight over the baby for a top-down full-length few, during which we could see him wiggling around and moving all his limbs. I've never felt such an intense combination of love, awe and excitement. The profile that showed the heart beating was incredible. We were able to surprise our moms with blue flowers (they just thought they were Valentine's Day gifts) and cards that said "It's a Boy!" They were excited of course, as were our dads and brothers. I am so happy to be bringing him into a world filled with positive male role models. I also must admit I am happy I have dodged the princess/dress up/makeup bullet since that's waaaay outside my realm and people tend to give it to little girls whether the parents want that stuff or not! I would have been just as thrilled with a girl but do have to think somehow a boy is a good fit as a first child for me.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Halfway point!

I am 20 weeks/5 months today.

Tired of looking like something the cat dragged in, so gussied up a little at lunch time and attempted....are you ready for this...some artsy shots. Everybody say ooooo! I am rather proud of #3, it was an accident.

This week I am battling migraines. Have had 3-4  migraines since Friday (can't tell if this last one was one long one or two little ones). Actually took a half sick day yesterday, which I rarely do...then was feeling ok by the time my book club rolled around at 7 so I went. I thought it would be good to start doing some things I've always wanted to do and meet some new people. Book club was alright...a little too large a group for proper discussion and I wish there were some younger people but overall it was a nice diversion.

I can feel the baby moving a lot these days! The other day, it felt like it was stretching alllll the way out and when I touched it, it hid. So funny!

We get to find out soon if we are having a boy or a girl. We are excited either way. My gut says boy and Neil's says girl. We shall see!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Weeks 18 and 19

I can't believe I am almost halfway through my pregnancy.

And my hair is making me nuts.

 Week 18
Week 19

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What a week...

This week has been an odd one. On Monday, Neil had an oncology appointment and everything is fine. The exhaustion that follows an appointment is always the result of the emotional buildup before the tests and exams.

The same day, we also found out that one of our high school classmates passed away suddenly. Though I had only spoken to her a few times since high school, it hit me pretty hard because she was so spirited and beautiful. Her family had recently been through some tough times and now this...I can't even imagine.

Today I had a routine OB appointment (blood pressure, heart rate, fetal heartbeat check and done). But as we were making my next appointment, a woman about my age was crying as she was making hers. I can only assume something was wrong with her pregnancy. My heart was breaking for her...it was just so sad. She and her partner rode the elevator down with us and she was crying and making phone calls as soon as she got off...I hope things work out for her, whoever she is and whatever it might be. I just can't imagine.

Friday, January 25, 2013

What I can't live without

With my job, I often don't know where I will be at a given time of day. I am often called into last-minute meetings, which could be at my office on Main or at one of two client buildings. So I try to pack some things every day and stay on a routine, which helps keep my blood sugar stable, my body hydrated and in general feeling good. These are the things I keep with me:
  • Brita water bottle. No matter where my water is coming from (office filter, tap, drinking fountain) the water is filtered as I drink. Also, I know that I need to drink 3 bottles per day so that visual and knowing how much I'm drinking really helps.
  • EOS or Burt's Bees lip balm. If you know me, you know I'm addicted anyway and pregnancy makes it worse.
  •  Babybel cheeses. Perfect snack and full of calcium and protein. This is what I was told to eat when my blood sugar dips (not Babybel, but cheese in general). Plus I love the packaging.
  • Oranges.
  • Capri Suns! Duh.
  • Peanuts. Also good for blood sugar dips.
  • Ayr Saline Nasal Spray. My nose is always dry now and I can't use many OTC sprays unless they're purely saline and nothing else.

At home, there are a couple other things that keep me feeling good in addition to the items above:
  •  Cool mist vaporizer. I sleep with it on every night. Helps with my dry nose and skin. Plus I love the white noise.
  • Bio Oil and Palmer's Cocoa Butter. Supposed to help prevent stretch marks. We shall see because I'm pretty sure if you're going to get them, they will come but it can't hurt. At any rate, it helps with winter dry skin.
  • Proactiv soap. Hormones have my skin all crazy, mostly my back and chest so this helps. Plus, the ingredients are pregnancy-safe.